Can Tree Branches Really Damage My Roof?

Can Tree Branches Really Damage My Roof?



If a tree falls on your roof and no one is around to see it, does it make a sound?

(Yes. It’s the sound of cash flying out of your wallet.)

After bad storms and tornadoes, you’ve probably watched the news and seen roofs caved in by toppled trees. But it’s much more common for a single branch to wreak havoc on your home, and you might be surprised how. Branches can be putting your home in danger for more than one reason when they grow too close to your roof.


1. Branches could fall.

Gravity is the law that never changes: if there’s a branch hanging above your roof, it’s going to fall one day. Better to cut it down and control when and where it falls than to pay the price when you least expect it.

Be sure to cut down a branch using all the right safety equipment and precautions. The idea is to prevent property damage, not cause it.

2. Animals can access your roof.

A tree branch is like a one-way ticket from the ground straight onto your roof. From there, critters like squirrels, raccoons, rabbits and possums can have a field day. Don’t be surprised to wake up to scratching in your attic one morning because a raccoon family invited themselves in.


3. Moisture can accumulate.

Branches that shade your roof or lie on top of it will prevent moisture from evaporating quickly–meaning moisture soaks into your roof. Over time, this moisture causes rot and decay of your roof, which will ultimately lead to leaks and higher energy bills as air escapes.


4. Leaves can clog your gutters.

Gutters exist for one reason: to take water from your roof and send it as far away from your house as possible. That way water doesn’t leak down into your foundation or rot away your siding.

Gutters clogged with leaves will eventually overflow with rainwater, sending water cascading down your siding, where it will leave ugly stains, rot the siding and slowly cause your foundation to shift and become unstable.


5. Branches can scratch and damage your shingles.

Most shingles nowadays are made of little asphalt granules. These shingles lose granules gradually over time from rainstorms, sun exposure and dust.

But they can also be scraped off your roof by tree branches. When the wind blows branches across your roof, your shingles get worn down much faster than usual, putting your roof at risk for leaks or shingles that fly off during a storm.


All in all, tree branches near your roof cause nothing but trouble. It’s always best to cut them down before they turn into a real problem, and if you don’t feel comfortable with a saw you can always call a professional to take care of it.

If you’ve had a branch fall on your house and you need repairs, we’re the guys to call. Set up a free inspection with us now online or by calling us at 417-869-0444.

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